Your laptop is almost 5 years old and now you are all set to hunt for another great deal with attractive discounts. Genuinely, great discounts are truly found in purchasing used electronics. The cost of new electronic goods is always a big-ticket. But you might hesitate in buying used devices as you suspect that if the owner is getting rid of the device, there must be something wrong with it. This is the right time when you need to make an informed choice on IT purchases – explore the smarter way to buy tech devices.
Here is where the refurbished technology comes into play. Refurbished electronics are not ‘used electronics’. Instead, they are a smarter alternative to used gadgets. But it would be inappropriate to pass the verdict unless we put forward the real benefits of refurbished goods. So, here are some FAQs to justify our verdict.
Can Refurbished Electronics Satisfy User Expectations?
Absolutely. Refurbished goods are the reconditioned version of used electronics that are remanufactured and redistributed in the market. Three things that make refurbished electronics a smart choice are:
Cheap – The greatest advantage of refurbished goods is its price. Be it refurbished laptops, desktops, printers or even HDTVs, discounts between 30% and 70% can be availed. You can make huge savings with refurbs. However, there is mainly two types of refurbished products – ‘factory refurbished’ and ‘third-party refurbished’. Factory (manufacturer) refurbished products are sold at a higher price compared to third-party refurbishers. Reason? They come with a manufacturer warranty. But, with third-party refurbs, you can make greater savings (as much as used electronics) with a warranty, plus an optional extended warranty.
Earth-Friendly – Another greatest benefits with refurbs is their positive environmental impact on our planet. Refurbished electronics use very less energy and raw materials until the final process of repackaging. According to reports, green consumers are increasingly purchasing refurbished products. When you buy them, the life cycle of the devices increases ultimately contributing towards reducing e-waste. Moreover, it also decreases demand of the new counterparts that use an enormous amount of energy and earthen materials.
Efficient – Unlike used electronics which drain a lot of energy, refurbished models are the best choice even in terms of efficiency. They are most efficient, inexpensive electronics available in the market.
What Are The Other Advantages Of Refurbs Over Used Electronics?
Devices that pass through refurbishing units are quality checked, tested by experienced technicians, and all the non-working parts are replaced by new parts. Basically, all refurbished electronics are rechecked for looks and performance and are treated professionally ‘like new’ before sending it to the retail world. This is the biggest factor that sets the line of refurbished electronics apart from the used electronics.
But these electronics cannot be sold as ’new’ products since the original factory seal has been broken. This is against the consumer laws. Hence, refurbishers need to sell it with the tag ‘refurbished’.
Replacing your smart tech is always an advanced choice and opting for refurbished electronics is a smart choice. But that again depends on the source from where you purchase the product. Not all refurbishers sell authenticated items. Therefore, performing constant vigilance when buying refurbs is of utmost importance.
Are Veracity World Refurbished Products As Good As The Manufacturer Refurbished Products?
You have come to the right place. Veracity World is one of the most authenticated refurbishers in the whole of UAE. Services offered by Veracity World are parallel to the one offered by any OEMs. We make sure that all of our products are checked for their quality before they hit the shelves in the market. They provide the items as good as manufacturer refurbished ones, but at a cheaper price. So, the company has an unmatched combination of ‘like new’ products and cheap price. Their refurbishment facility sends out hundreds of refurbs every month.
If we talk about their experience in the IT industry, that would go a long way. They are not just refurbishers but also IT repairs and recyclers. Earth-friendly e-waste management is the core agenda of the company that makes it stand out.
You also have the option to resell your used electronics at great prices to Veracity World.
Well, if you want to make a smart choice now, Veracity World can help you out right away. It reverberates the most earth-friendly vibes with its great deals and the most satisfying IT solutions.